The Big O. Ink on Canvas. 11" x 17". Montreal's Olympic Stadium, also known as The Big-O, or Big Owe (the name it was given thanks to the 25 years it took the city to pay off the now crumbling stadium). The stadium was originally forecast to cost $134 million, but I guess someone forgot to carry the one, because the final bill actually came to $1.61 billion, only to literally cave in on itself multiple times over the past 20 years. Besides being incredibly expensive, and essentially a huge piece of shit, its saving grace was that the building once contained a massive pipe that was absolutely perfect for skateboarding. The round stadium was originally built for the 1976 Olympics, but thanks to its shoddy construction and the loss of the Montreal’s international sport teams, it’s now regarded by basically everone in the city, except skateboarders, as an embarrassment to Montreal. As usual, you can leave it to skaters to make the best of any situation. In this case, the old cliche that one man’s trash is another man’s wheely-board amusement park could not be truer. - From a Vice article Part of an on-going series titled "Boarding Pass". "Boarding Pass" is a series of Posters celebrating some of Skateboarding's most iconic, beloved, and amazing skate spots, world wide.