Hôtel de Ville. Ink on Canvas. 11" x 17". In Lyon, France, the iconic Louis Pradel plaza—better known to skateboarders as Hotel de Ville is a major staple of Fine French Skateboarding. Made famous via skate videos in the 1990s, Hotel de Ville became a destination spot for skaters worldwide thanks to its amazing features, and the incredible amount of footage featuring JB Gillet, Lucas Puig, JJ Rousseau, Jesus Fernandez amongst other French greats finessing its white granite expanse. Today Hotel De Ville remains a thriving spot on the Euro scene and if you visit it today you could be lucky enough to witness Quentin Boillon's amazing flick tricks over the hip. Part of an on-going series titled "Boarding Pass". "Boarding Pass" is a series of Posters celebrating some of Skateboarding's most iconic, beloved, and amazing skate spots, world wide.